You enter the room and find...
Magical live streams, action-full entertainments, stealthy fun surprises, drawing videos, laser-cut dice artefacts and published D&D adventures.
A stream of adventure from the future. Save the world by getting the ‘Chaos Meter’ numbers lower. Science fun, ‘Write-Off Review’, Bug videos, D&D Tarot, and valuable, stabilizing life lessons.
New Season Starting end of May 2024
Your Dungeon Master (Louie) takes you on a “D&D lite” journey of imagination. No experience required – have fun learning some Dungeons & Dragons and being creative.
New Season Starting end of May 2024
LittlEmpire GameCraft - Brothers Joe and Louie make wizard stuff for your table top games. Laser-cut dice towers and scale buildings. Hand sculpted and cast Dice holders.
Jimmy imagines it then writes it up (Link to more Jimmy Adventures), and Louie creates art, covers, maps and does the layout. These Best Selling, well reviewed, adventure modules are available at:
Over 5000 copies sold!!
LittlEmpire - Gamecraft Instagram

Louie - Human Wizard Instagram

Blasts from the Pasts:
National Act on the Renaissance Festival Circuit. Twenty five years of professional show business experience. Expert host, comedian and juggler. Creating the best comedy and Core Audience in Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Maryland and North Carolina. With excursions to New York, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and California.
Louie Plays ‘Barnabus the Barbarian Minotaur’ with the wonderful people at Nat21 Adventures. Favorite Renaissance Festival performers playing Dungeons and Dragons, kind of. Live Streaming on TWITCH Tuesday Nights 8pm est.
Level Up with Louie
World class entertainment.
Creative game art.
Professional Dungeons & Dragons.